Clinical Mental Health Counseling Learning Outcomes | Springfield-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

Clinical Mental Health Counseling Learning Outcomes

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate empathy, professionalism, maturity, and a dedication to advocacy and social justice as they work collaboratively with individuals in counseling settings. They will understand and adhere to the relevant professional ethical codes and department program dispositions.

  • SLO 1: Students will act as competent professionals in their specific specialty area.

  • SLO 2: Students will demonstrate culturally relevant interactions and interventions.

  • SLO 3: Students will demonstrate self awareness and an understanding of their identity as well as a commitment to ongoing personal development.

  • SLO 4:  Students will demonstrate working knowledge of and adhere to the ACA code of ethics as well as other relevant professional codes of ethics.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theoretical foundations and relevant research in the areas of individual and group counseling, human development, multicultural, and career counseling.

  • SLO 5:  Students will understand and apply both individual and group counseling theories.

  • SLO 6:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of and apply theories of   human development across the lifespan .

  • SLO 7:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of all aspects of diversity including:    race, ethnicity, social class, gender, gender identity, sexual  orientation, disability, age, religion and how they impact counseling

  • SLO 8:  Students will demonstrate knowledge of the importance of work in  American culture and the key theories and models that guide career development.

Goal 3: Students will demonstrate competency in counseling skills through a combination of coursework and professionally supervised clinical experiences grounded in current national and state standards.

  • SLO 9:  Students will demonstrate appropriate use of microskills in supervised clinical settings.

  • SLO 10:  Students will exhibit advanced counseling skills, techniques and interventions

  • SLO 11:  Students will know state and national licensure/certification requirements for their specialty area.

Goal 4: Students will demonstrate competency and relevant skills in assessment, consultation, applied research, and program evaluation in clinical mental health, school and rehabilitation counseling settings.

  • SLO 12:  Students will be able to identify, analyze and interpret data in a systematic manner.

  • SLO 13: Students will be able to interpret and convey assessment and program evaluation results effectively to stakeholders.

  • SLO 14: Students will demonstrate the ability to be critical consumers of research and appropriately translate research to practice.

Goal 5: Students will develop and demonstrate advocacy and leadership skills through their professional engagement and co-curricular learning activities.

  • SLO 15:  Students will join and become active in relevant professional organizations.

  • SLO 16:  Students will engage in service/professional activities on campus or in the surrounding communities. 

Program Concentration Specific Goals:  Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling including: gaining knowledge of the history of the field, theoretical, neurobiological, medical and psychosocial foundations, testing, assessment and clinical case conceptualization specific to the profession.

  • SLO 17: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of clinical mental health counseling and the identity, role and function of clinical mental health counselors today

  • SLO 18: Students will be able to identify and demonstrate key traditional and contemporary theories and techniques common to the practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy

  • SLO 19:  Students will be able to incorporate their understanding of the medical, psychosocial, and neurobiological aspects impacting clients into case conceptualization and treatment planning.

Goal 2: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Students will gain a working understanding of their professional identity, their roles and functions, the diagnostic criteria, treatment modalities, and service delivery of  clinical mental health services within the continuum of care.

  • SLO 20: Students will identify the roles and settings of clinical mental health counselors and the network of services available.

  • SLO 21: Students will demonstrate competencies in assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and an understanding of the classifications, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications.

  • SLO 22: Students will develop skills and understanding of the neurological impact of substance use, trauma and crisis on mental health. 

  • SLO 23: Students will gain skills in record keeping, third party reimbursement, professional organizations and credentialing, legal and ethical considerations, legislation and government policies, and cultural factors that affect treatment and outcomes.

Goal 3: Clinical Mental Health Students will demonstrate skills necessary to be effective professional clinical mental health practitioners starting from intake practices to treatment planning, client advocacy and networking, developing and assessing interventions and measuring outcomes. 

  • SLO 24: Students will be able to effectively conduct an intake interview, assess mental status, biopsychosocial and mental health history factors, and conduct psychological assessment for treatment planning and caseload management functions.

  • SLO 25: Students actively advocate for clients well being through networks of service professionals and through the use of effective techniques and interventions developed for the treatment of a broad range of mental health needs.

  • SLO 26: Students will demonstrate proficiency working with legal systems regarding court-referred clients